Optimizing Your Ventilator Strategy in the NSICU
DescriptionNeed for Mechanical Ventilation (MV) is common in the NSICU but for various underlying conditions such as neuromuscular weakness, inability to maintain a safe airway, or hypoxemic respiratory failure. Different MV prescriptions will be best applied for the individual patient's unique disorder and needs but the common factor is that sedation and paralytics should potentially be avoided or minimized to not only allow for an accurate neurological examination but to also optimize their cerebrovascular supporting parameters (cardiac output, blood pressure, ICP, etc). We will review the data supporting historical as well as modern MV strategies that can be best applied to NSICU patients.
Event Type
Breakout Session
TimeWednesday, October 16th11:40am - 12:00pm PDT
LocationHarbor Ballrooms B-C
Clinical Practice
APP Practice
Bedside Nursing
General Critical Care
Multimodal Neuromonitoring (invasive/non-invasive)
Neurogenic Respiratory Failure