High Yield Neonatal Neuroprognostication in Acute Brain Injury: The GRADE Approach
DescriptionNeuroprognostication in neonates with acute brain injury has historically and is currently largely guided largely by expert opinion. However, a growing body of research evaluating multiple modalities of brain injury associated with outcomes is aggregating. In this presentation we will present the current major professional society recommendation for neuroprognostication in neonates, and provide a new systematic review of the literature, evaluating the higher GRADE levels of evidence linking modern tests of brain injury to outcomes in neonates. We will also distinguish between studies following GRADE recommendations including prospective vs retrospective, controlled vs non-controlled, the timing of test and outcome measure acquisition, and tracking of reduction of subjects by reasons including mortality and loss to follow-up.
Event Type
Breakout Session
TimeTuesday, October 15th3:25pm - 3:45pm PDT
LocationHarbor Ballroom A
Clinical Practice
Multimodal Neuromonitoring (invasive/non-invasive)
Provider Education Topics (eg fellowship training, competency assessment, etc)
Status Epilepticus