The Evolving Classification of Traumatic Brain Injury: Modeling New Endpoints
DescriptionClinicians and investigators in traumatic brain injury (TBI) have long divided TBI into mild/moderate/severe strata despite substantial limitations of this approach to classification. For example, "mild" TBI can be profoundly disabling, while individuals can fully recover after "severe" TBI. This talk will briefly review the new TBI characterization scheme of Clinical/Biomarkers/Imaging/Modifiers which was introduce at a recent NIH-sponsored workshop, and offer ways in which multimodal data can be integrated into predictive models of disease-relevant endpoints, like progression of intracranial hemorrhage.
Event Type
Breakout Session
TimeWednesday, October 16th11:00am - 11:20am PDT
LocationHarbor Ballrooms D-I
Science of Neurocritical Care
Nursing Pharmacology
Traumatic Brain Injury