Updates on Antithrombotics in Acute Neuroendovascular Stenting
DescriptionIncreasingly, neuroendovascular methods are being utilized to manage neurovascular abnormalities including acute ischemic stroke and aneurysm repair. Frequently stent placement is necessary during these procedures and patients may present to the neuro intensive care unit post acute stent placement. Acute stent placement necessitates antiplatelet therapy and many centers employ some form of platelet function testing. Newer neuroendovascular devices are being developed and the field is constantly changing. Treatment of neuroendovascular patents in the ICU may be complicated by issues related to antiplatelet therapy, platelet function testing and neurovascular complications. This session aims to inform and educate the intensivist of the latest literature and important points about neuroendovascular patients - specifically focused on platelet function testing, updates on antithrombotics in acute neuroendovascular stenting and newer devices and potential device complications.
Event Type
Breakout Session
TimeThursday, October 17th9:15am - 9:35am PDT
LocationHarbor Ballrooms D-I
Clinical Practice
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Ischemic Stroke
Multimodal Neuromonitoring (invasive/non-invasive)
Nursing Pharmacology
Pharmacist Practice
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage