

COMPOSE Study: Mapping the natural history and factors influencing coma recovery from acute neurological injury
SessionComa Care
DescriptionCOMPOSE is a prospective observational study funded by the Neurocritical Care Foundation. The objectives of the study are to a) define the natural history of coma recovery in patients with acute neurological injury, b) to set up a hub and spoke coma research network and c) to explore variability in care and the factors affecting coma recovery. Thirty-one sites from 14 countries spanning 5 continents are participating in this study and are currently enrolling patients who experience coma within 72 hours of neurological injury and have persistent coma for at least 3 days. The neurological outcomes are evaluated using the disability rating scale, GCS as well as the extended Glasgow outcomes scale (GOS-E). In this session, two speakers will share insights over a 10-minute interval, delineating the trial's design, demographics, geographical dispersion, etiology of coma, diagnostic modalities, and the influence of life-sustaining treatment withdrawal on the phenotypic recovery within our patient cohort. We will also discuss the exploration of the factors shaping phenotypic recovery. This segment underscores the study's commitment to unraveling the complexities of coma recovery on a global scale, fostering collaboration, and advancing patient care paradigms worldwide.
Event Type
Breakout Session
TimeTuesday, October 15th3:25pm - 3:45pm PDT
LocationHarbor Ballrooms D-I
Science of Neurocritical Care
Focus Areas
Bedside Nursing
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Global Neurocritical Care
Target Audiences