

Simulation in Neurocritical Care: A Tool For Assessment
DescriptionOver the last 20 years the ACGME and GME programs have sought to shift the focus of trainee education toward competency-based milestones with outcomes-based assessments. A major struggle for many training programs has been the latter portion, creating validated assessment tools that measure the intended outcomes of residency and fellowship trainings. As a relatively new ACGME fellowship, Neurocritical Care is also in need of a consensus on the appropriate methods for trainee assessment of the milestones.

Simulation is a valuable educational tool that is frequently incorporated into many surgical and critical care training fellowships. In addition to training, simulation also has value as a tool for assessment. Currently, programs tend to rely on traditional methods of assessment such as end of rotation feedback and faculty evaluations which can be based on sporadic interactions and incomplete observations. While these methods have their value, they may also be subject to bias and not reflective of the trainee’s true knowledge, technical skills, and abilities. Simulation offers an environment that can be standardized, adjusted, and provide a direct measure of observable behaviors.

This talk will focus on the current ACGME milestones for Neurocritical Care and how simulation can be used to provide a more reflective assessment of a trainee’s level of proficiency. We will discuss which milestones are best suited for simulation-based assessment, how the design of simulation for assessment differs from simulation for training, and how to translate simulation scores to milestone grading.
Event Type
Breakout Session
TimeWednesday, October 16th2:25pm - 2:45pm PDT
LocationHarbor Ballroom A
Clinical Practice
Delivery, Quality and Safety
Focus Areas
Bedside Nursing
Global Neurocritical Care
NCC Fellowship/Training
Provider Education Topics (eg fellowship training, competency assessment, etc)
Target Audiences