Personalized Blood Pressure Management In Intracerebral Hemorrhage
DescriptionThe acute hypertensive response observed in ICH is associated with poor outcome, and the risk for hematoma expansion. Intensive blood pressure reduction has been studied in multiple large randomized controlled trials with conflicting results. Several studies have suggested the potential risk of cerebral ischemia with overly aggressive blood pressure reduction detected with the use of diffusion-weight MRI. With comorbid severe hypertension and underlying cerebral small vessel disease, alteration and impairment in cerebral autoregulation have been associated with secondary cerebral ischemia and may provide future directions for personalized blood pressure targets after ICH to maximize risk-benefit ratio in hemodynamic control. In this talk, we will review current body of evidence pertaining to acute blood pressure management after intracerebral hemorrhage, gaps in the literature, mechanisms of DWI lesions after ICH, and novel research exploiting the potential of cerebral autoregulation-informed blood pressure targets to advance treatment targets.
Event Type
Breakout Session
TimeWednesday, October 16th10:25am - 10:45am PDT
LocationHarbor Ballrooms D-I
Science of Neurocritical Care
Basic/Neurocritical Care 101
General Critical Care
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Multimodal Neuromonitoring (invasive/non-invasive)
Nursing Pharmacology
Pharmacist Practice
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Traumatic Brain Injury