

Walter Videtta, MD, FNCS Cis an Associate Professor in University of Buenos Aires, College of Medicine
My background is as follows: I’m an Intensive Care physician from Posadas Hospital and Hospital de Merlo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Founder and President of LABIC (Latin American Brain Injury Consortium), served as the Director and Professor of the national Course on Neurocritical Care for SATI (Argentine CriticalCcare Society), participated in numerous courses about critical care and taught in the field to physicians and nurses in Latin America, in a particular environment without intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring and other resources. My research interest includes neurocritical care, mostly traumatic brain injury in all of aspect.

Additionally, he is involved in the exploration of biomarkers for epileptogenesis after brain injuries and endeavors to enhance education and collaboration in the field of neurocritical care and epilepsy, particularly with Latin America.
Breakout Session
Clinical Practice
Global Neurocritical Care
Ischemic Stroke
Multimodal Neuromonitoring (invasive/non-invasive)
Nursing Pharmacology
Status Epilepticus
Traumatic Brain Injury