Ava Puccio

Dr. Ava Puccio is Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery and Co-Director of the Neurotrauma Clinical Trials Center (NCTC) at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Puccio is also Director of the current TRACK-TBI biorepository and BioBOOST repository and a clinical trainer for the BOOST-3 clinical trial. She is the principal investigator of numerous federal- and industry-sponsored grants. With over 25+ years of clinical trial design, Dr. Puccio manages a team of on-call nursing, laboratory and neurological outcome assessment teams in successful completion of many traumatic brain and spine injury research studies. Dr. Puccio’s specialized areas of interest are focused on improving outcomes in traumatic brain injury patients, with clinical venues of controlled normothermia, mechanisms of brain oxygenation and exploring biomarker, genetic variances and expression on outcome.
General Session
Head and Spine Trauma