

Dr. Lele is a neuro-anesthesiologist and a board-certified neuro-intensivist who is the Director of the Neurocritical Care Service at Harborview Medical Center. He is the immediate past-chair of the Quality Section of the Neurocritical Care Society, and is currently the Chair of the Quality and Patient Safety Committee of the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care.

Dr. Lele has been involved with Quality metrics, and served on the writing group for NCS' QI metrics paper, as well as led the AAN-NCS initiative on testing three quality metrics relevant to Neurocritical Care.

Dr.Lele has been voted as the best teacher by the Neurology and Anesthesiology trainees, and is a three-time recipient of the NCS's Presidential citation.

Dr.Lele enjoys wildlife photography and hosts his own photography website (
Breakout Session
Delivery, Quality and Safety
Basic/Neurocritical Care 101
General Critical Care
Global Neurocritical Care
Traumatic Brain Injury